The story of Lowcountry Street Grocery begins with its founder and CEO, Lindsey Barrow Jr. and his longstanding commitment to social justice, social entrepreneurship, and bringing folks together. Lindsey was raised in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia where community, hard work, and a self-supporting local food system are typically second-nature. Lindsey’s path to social entrepreneurship was an indirect one. After a handful of eh “redirections” Lindsey settled into South Carolina’s Lowcountry. He attended the College of Charleston, majoring in both political science and philosophy. While at the College, he moonlighted at local restaurants where he discovered his true affinity for food and food service. It was at this time that Lindsey identified distressing disparities within our food system thus narrowing a sweeping and passionate interest in systemic social issues to a tangible, local one. After ten years of fine dining experience, Lindsey entered the world of policy and community activism as legislative aide to Representative Corrinne Ching in the Hawaii House of Representatives. There, he was tasked with strategizing efforts to address prevailing trends within two predominantly low-income state districts: healthy food access and type 2 diabetes. Undoubtedly, Lindsey returned to Charleston transported by this formidable experience. He knew first hand that Charleston had similar barriers to healthy food access, but it also enjoyed a bustling food scene that prioritized its tourism industry. Armed with an innate ability to bring folks together, a unique entrepreneurial hustle, and the determination to create a sustainable solution from the ground up, Lowcountry Street Grocery was born.
Today, Lowcountry Street Grocery (LSG) has diversified with the additions of two interdependent organizations: Community Supported Grocery and GroceryRx. (LSG) now has 25 full-time employees, works with over 300 local farms and producers, and has expanded to Columbia, SC.